Cambridge IGCSE Spanish - Literature

In Cambridge IGCSE Spanish Literature, learners read, interpret and evaluate a range of literary texts. As well as developing an understanding of the texts studied, in terms of both literal meaning and the deeper themes or attitudes that may be expressed, the syllabus aims to encourage learners' enjoyment of reading. Through their reading, they learn to recognise and appreciate the ways in which writers use Spanish to achieve a range of effects, and are encouraged to present an informed, personal response to the material they are studying. The syllabus also allows the exploration of wider and universal issues, promoting learners' better understanding of themselves and of the world around them.

Aims of the SyllabuS

Cambridge IGCSE Literature (Spanish) aims to develop learners who-
• Enjoy the experience of reading literature
• Understand and respond to literary texts in different forms and from different periods and cultures
• Communicate an informed personal response appropriately and effectively
• Appreciate different ways in which writers achieve their effects
• Experience literature’s contribution to aesthetic, imaginative and intellectual growth
• Explore the contribution of literature to an understanding of areas of human concern.

Set Syllabus

Almudena Grandes, El lector de Julio Verne (Colección Andanzas)
Laura Esquivel, Como agua para chocolate (Delbolsillo)
Gabriel García Márquez, Crónica de una muerte anunciada (Delbolsillo)
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, El prisionero del cielo (Booket)

Roberto Cossa, La Nona (Ediciones de la flor)
Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch, Los amantes de Teruel (Clásicos Castalia)

Gioconda Belli, El Ojo de la mujer (Colección Visor de Poesía)
Francisco de Quevedo, Poemas escogidos (Clásicos Castalia)

Grade Descriptions

Grade A
To achieve a Grade A, a candidate will be able to-
• Sustain a perceptive and convincing response with well-chosen detail of narrative and situation
• Demonstrate clear critical/analytical understanding of the author’s intentions, and the text’s deeper implications and the attitudes it displays
• Make much well-selected reference to the text
• Respond sensitively and in detail to the way language works in the text
• Communicate a considered and reflective personal response to the text.

Grade C
To achieve a Grade C, a candidate will be able to-
• Make a reasonably sustained/extended response with detail of narrative and situation
• Show understanding of the author’s intentions and some of the text’s deeper implications and the attitudes it displays
• Show some thoroughness in use of the text for support
• Make some response to the way language works in the text
• Communicate an informed personal response to the text.

Grade F
To achieve a Grade F, a candidate will be able to-
• Make a few straightforward points in terms of narrative and situation
• Show a few signs of understanding of the author’s intentions and the surface meanings of the text
• Make a little reference to the text
• Show evidence of a simple personal response to the text

Objectives of Assessment

The assessment objectives in Cambridge IGCSE Literature (Spanish) are-

  1. Show detailed knowledge of the content of literary texts in at least two of the three main forms (drama, poetry and prose)
  2. Understand the meanings of literary texts and their contexts, and explore texts beyond surface meanings to show deeper awareness of ideas and attitudes
  3. Recognise and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure, and form to create and shape meanings and effects
  4. Communicate a sensitive and informed personal response to literary texts.


All candidates take-

Paper 1
Set Texts – Open Books
2 hours 15 minutes
This paper has three sections: Drama, Poetry, Prose.
Candidates choose three questions, each on different set texts and from at least two of the sections. Candidates answer in Spanish.
All questions carry equal marks.
60 marks
Externally assessed
Weighting- 75%

Candidates submit a portfolio of three assignments in Spanish, each on a different text.
40 marks
Internally assessed and externally moderated
Weighting- 25%


Paper 3
Alternative to Coursework
1 hour 20 minutes
This paper has one compulsory question based on literary prose, poetry or drama.
Candidates write a critical commentary in Spanish on a piece of unseen writing.
20 marks
Externally assessed
Weighting- 25%

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